Mail certified check or money order to:
Kay Rector/ Hillbilly Hunter Guide Service
126 Polk 418
Mena, AR 71953
Guided hunts on baited sites in Scott and Polk county Arkansas.
1 day hunts:$200, 3 day hunts:$500, 5 day hunts:$750.License and lodging not included.
50% deposit required, balance due before hunt begins.
Phone 870-387-2220 or 479-216-3812(cell)
E-mail us
Local lodging
"y" City Mountain Inn
Archery: 1 OCT-30 NOV
Muzzle loader: 13 OCT-21 OCT
Modern gun: 5 NOV-30 NOV
Non-residence hunting lic: annual-$300, 5 day-$150, 3 day-$100